Results are out for the finalists of a logo design contest I entered for Syracuse City... I'm not sure what to make of these results. I think I may have won by losing. I seriously can't take the entire panel of finalists seriously, could it be that the fine city employees are able to? Who is running this town? I took this screen cap from the Syracuse City website where they are inviting people to vote on their favorite. If number 2 isn't declared the winner I may have to move to a different city; it is the only well-designed, contemporary logo that has any life in it at all. Excellent design by Cam Jefferies of Seige Design.

I submitted a guide with my logo since I didn't know who would be judging these submissions, and I felt it was the best way to get my complete idea across about the importance of a nice city logo in general. Seeing that this thing is coming down to a vote, I see that it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I have to give credit to the fine folks who designed the Murray City logo a couple years back. They built that logo to last; I had to pattern some of my design decisions after theirs. Take a look at the PDF by following the link below and let me know what you think, be brutally honest in your comments.
If the link doesn't work for you in Google Chrome, try Apple Safari, Internet Explorer, or Firefox.
Hi Ryan. We wanted to look at the pdf, but we can't make the link work. I'm amazed at all the art you are able to fit in with everything else you are doing!!
I think there might be an issue with the dropbox link and Google Chrome right now. It looks like it works in Safari, IE, and Firefox just fine.
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