Just playing around here with textures and the Wacom tablet to come up with a fun desktop wallpaper design as I watch the Olympics. The gymnast and the background aren't really jiving together in the same space, but I'll chalk this one up for good practice.
The sketch above was created during a session of general conference. I liked the look of the organist's face. For some reason organists strike me as having very little career options. Seems to me that at a very young age they decide that they could either be a butler or an organist. I've never seen an organist that didn't look like he could be a butler. Anyway, the final design weaves in many of the little details that I find fascinating with the organs on temple square. So many knobs, keys, pipes, and pedals. These men are amazing musical craftsman. I enjoy the polished look I get from redrawing portions of my subject as vector art in illustrator and finishing him up in photoshop.